March 8, 2010

Who Cares Most about THE LAST BLACK HOLE???

Apparently, nobody currently cares about The Last Black Hole, which Brian Holtz (winner of last week's WHO CARES MOST?) predicts in his Hypertext will be the end of humanity.

The last person who cared was a publicist for Stephen Hawking, who interfaced with a human reporter about Mr. Hawking's revised theory on the nature of black holes. The article, published in 2004 in New Scientist, makes some speculation as to what Steven Hawking is going to say at an upcoming conference in Dublin. Although I am intensely curious what he actually said at that conference, I cannot say in this column. That would be another WHO CARES MOST.

The introduction of string theory to gravitational physics was responsible for the change. Here is a telling excerpt from the article:

Though Hawking has not yet revealed the detailed maths behind his finding, sketchy details have emerged from a seminar Hawking gave at Cambridge. According to Cambridge colleague Gary Gibbons, an expert on the physics of black holes who was at the seminar, Hawking's black holes, unlike classic black holes, do not have a well-defined event horizon that hides everything within them from the outside world.

In essence, his new black holes now never quite become the kind that gobble up everything. Instead, they keep emitting radiation for a long time, and eventually open up to reveal the information within. "It's possible that what he presented in the seminar is a solution," says Gibbons. "But I think you have to say the jury is still out."

Even though the article was written by a reporter named Jenny Hogan, I don't believe she is the person who actually cares most about The Last Black Hole. I believe that honor also belongs to Brian Holtz, who has determined it to be the end of the human race, and of the universe we inhabit.


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